geoenvironmentalGeoenvironmental & Contaminated Land

Contaminated land regulations, planning conditions and the determination of pollutant liabilities require risk assessment procedures as the basis for decision making and regulatory agency approval.

Advanced Investigation Systems provides comprehensive and competitive site investigation services which may be utilized at any stage or tier of the risk assessment process; whether it be for preliminary risk assessment purposes, the main investigation stage or later refinements to the site conceptual model.

Our Competitor 130 and Competitor Dart sampling rigs together with windowless sampling systems produce high quality samples sealed within clear plastic liners. This minimizes cross-contamination and degradation of any contaminants present. Furthermore, operator contact with potentially harmful contaminants is minimised.

Boreholes can be simultaneously cased and sampled using the 115mm duplex casing system. This is Particularly useful when horizons of loose fill or granular deposits are encountered. This also prevents cross contamination with the borehole profile.

Laboratory testing
Contamination testing can be carried out at competitive rates within time scales required by our Clients.

Trial Pits
We can undertake machine excavated trial pitting and produce computer generated trial pit logs complete with engineering descriptions and sampling to BS5930:1999.

Opening-up Works (Breaking-Out & Trial Pits)
Portable hydraulic breaking systems enable areas of hardstanding (concrete / tar macadam) to be opened up for hand excavation. This is useful for
• Inspection pits for services prior to drilling;
• Investigation of foundations of existing structures and buildings.

Groundwater and ground-borne gas monitoring installations
Cost effective construction methods for the installation of 19mm, 35mm, 50mm and 80mm HDPE and PVC slotted well screen and casing.
• Groundwater monitoring quality
• Gas monitoring
• Determination of hydrological regime; hydraulic gradients, perched    water tables, underdrainage and contaminant migration pathways.

Ground gas monitoring

Concentrations and flow rates of the following gases can be monitored and recorded.
• Methane
• Carbon Dioxide
• Oxygen
• Carbon Monoxide
• Hydrogen Sulphide
• along with an accurate measurement of barometric Pressure